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Enhanced Recovery on the agenda of CEO’s

2010 March 3
by webmaster

In a letter written to the CEO’s of strategic health authorities, primary care trusts, and acute hospitals within England and Wales, Jim Easton has outlined the benefits of enhanced recovery and has called for all organisations to commit to implementing enhanced recovery pathways.

The recommendation from the DoH for the adoption of enhanced recovery pathways should help encourage senior management to get behind and support clinical teams wishing to change practice and implement enhanced recovery pathways. To make change happen in the NHS, drive and leadership from clinicians is essential, but efforts can often be stifled in organisations because projects do not fit into strategic aims and targets of the organisation. This letter will hopefully ensure that enhanced recovery is firmly on the agenda of the CEO in every organisation, which can only help with the wider spread and adoption of enhanced recovery pathways.

To see a copy of the click on the link.  Enhanced Recovery Letter to CEO’s – Jim Easton

Footnote – Jim Easton is the National Director for Improvement and Efficiency at the Department of Health (DoH). His remit is to advise on changes needed to support the NHS in delivering high levels of quality and efficiency through a greater focus on quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP). This will hopefully help the NHS to drive up quality whilst improving productivity, a challenge which means harnessing and spreading ideas such as enhanced recovery.

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